Semantic Pen take help from Real time SERP Analysis & Machine Learning Combined with OpenAI to generate content for you.
üë©‚Äçüíº¬†People-Centric Approach:¬†From in-depth guides to bite-sized tips, we're all about creating content that your audience craves with¬†high readability! üìä Multiple Data Sources:¬†We gather data from multiple sources including¬†Google search engine. üîó Smart Links:¬†We support both¬†internal¬†&¬†external links¬†with relevant anchors. Not to forget the various customizations! üïí¬†Real-Time Relevance:¬†Our data wizards keep your content¬†fresh¬†and¬†factual. üíº Affiliate Alchemy:¬†Turn Amazon product data into gold with our¬†real-time¬†affiliate article generator, leveraging¬†user reviews¬†for maximum impact. üé• YouTube to Article Conversion:¬†Seamlessly convert videos to captivating articles. Reach wider audiences effortlessly. üìù¬†Intuitive Outline Builder:¬†Power to sculpt your content into masterpieces with your own¬†customization.